Female figure
Carved wood, red ochre pigment, fiber, shell
Height: 28 cm
Presumed period: late 19th century
Stylistic area of the Lower Sepik region
Province of Sepik Oriental
Papua New Guinea
Source :
– Jean Edouard Carlier Collection, Paris
Our figure, depicted here in the classical standing position, arms detached from the body, hands resting on the hips, would be linked to women’s initiation rites and would represent certain spirits and ancestors who bestow the power of seduction. The color red, derived from pigments, refers to supernatural powers.
These statuettes were kept in small baskets attached to the rafters of the houses.
She still has her ear ornaments and her fiber loincloth.
While this statuette initially brings to mind the style of the Murik Lakes region, certain details, such as the busted nose with dilated nostrils, the sunken eye sockets signified by shells, a protruding mouth and the headdress descending to neck level, are reminiscent of Biwat statues. It could point to the little-known Lower Sepik region between the Yuat and Keram rivers.
This statuette is to be compared with a model collected during the Kaiserin Augusta Fluss Expedition (1908-1910) reproduced in Otto Reche’s book1 and possessing the same characteristics.
1- Reche. 1913. Plate LXXI, n°2, (Me.8962)
Price: €21,000
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