Raven rattle

Important American Indian Art

harpoon tip

Shaman mask

Stylized whale button

Anthropomorphic figurine

Stylized whale amulet

Harpoon head

Speaker’s Face Mask

Harpoon head

Qasgiq men’s house model

Zoomorphic figure

Upside down: the arctics

Half-man half-animal mask

Shaman’s charm


Snow goggles

Anthropomorphic figurine

Ceremonial Spoon

Anthropomorphic figurine

Tool handle

Wrist protection


Tunghak mask


North American Indian art

Rare ritual set

Rattle model

Catalog of the Cole Collection

Human head

Wrist protection

Kayak model

Stylized whale amulet

Bow drill bow


Fittings ?

Harpoon head and arrow set

Stylized whale amulet

Stylized seal ornament

Snow goggles

Harpoon head

Anthropomorphic figurine

Anthropomorphic figurine

Stylized seal button

Ceremonial bowl

Haida Art

Stylized seal ornament

Harpoon element


Gambling figurines

Snow goggles

Hunting charm

Stylized whale ornament

Snow knife

Snow Goggles

Speaker’s face mask

Shaman mask


Harpoon tip

Shaman mask


Shaman mask

Large Statuette

Snow goggles