Male figure

Reference : 18

Male figure

Wood, fibers
Height: 23cm
Presumed period: first half of the 20th century
Stylistic area of Murik Lakes and the Sepik River coastal region
Province of Sepik Oriental
Papua New Guinea

Source :
Collection M. & Mme Lefranc, Paris

Our statuette is depicted in the classic kandimbong position , standing with arms detached from the body and hands resting on the hips. The legs are slightly bent, one of them adorned with a fiber bracelet at the base.

The large forehead supports a headdress topped by a possum. There are many myths about this animal, which was once associated with “headhunting”.

The long, curved nose, with the tip joining the umbilicus, indicates that we have here a representation of a clan ancestral spirit.

This statuette acted as a protective charm. Individually owned, it brought its owner luck in hunting and war, as well as in love.

Price: €11,800

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