
Reference : 2194

Female figure

Height: 95.5cm
Presumed period: late 19th century / early 20th century
Probably Romkun population
Central Ramu River region // Upper Goam River
Madang Province
Papua New Guinea Provenance:
– Collection Mia & Loed Van Bussel, Amsterdam
(label on back VG004)
– Collection Joe De Buck, Brussels

The style of this rare sculpture is typical of the region between the upper Goam River and the middle Ramu River.

A figure with non-existent shoulders, arms detached along the body, hands resting above a belt represented by a ledge. Over-represented sex.

The face is typical of Romkun sculpture. It is topped by a headdress and carved with a sharp-edged double border that forms two short hooks pointing downwards, respectively above and below the root of the nose. The septum is marked by an angular transverse hole located slightly above the tip of the nose. Very large, cone-shaped eyes. Mouth and ears not shown.

For a similar model collected in 1899, see Kelm. Kunst vom Sepik, Berlin 1966, Vol 3 n°237

Price: €19,500

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